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The Legaltek custom shop is offered as a technical support resource for your department or agency. Our in-house research and design group has over 30 years of law enforcement technical support experience.

We offer smaller departments the benefits of a technical support group and larger agencies an outside resource to develop disguise microphone and camera enclosures for special applications.

With “technology made easy” in mind, we focus on adapting available audio pick-up devices or video image sensors to your specific application. This not only reduces project cost, but also yields a device tailored to your specific need or environment.

Please use the provided link below to outline your specific requirement or scenario. Our team will work with you to develop a solution for your special application.


Determine where you want to mount the camera. Smoke Detector housings are usually mounted on the ceiling in a corner of the interview room. PIR housings should be mounted in the corner of the room, about 12” to 18” down from the ceiling. Thermostat or data jack disguise housings are mounted on the wall about 48” above the floor. These cameras are designed for side viewing or close up shots for Picture-in Picture scenarios.

Determine the distance between the camera and the subject(s) to be viewed.
Example: Measure from the ceiling or wall mount camera to the most distant seating position(s).

Determine the dimensions of the area to be viewed. (Height x Width). Remember, the aspect ratio of the television screen is three units high by four units wide.
Example: 30” high by 40” wide or 75” high by 100” wide.

Picture-in-Picture applications require two cameras. The most common configuration would be a smoke detector or PIR to cover all interview participants, with the close-up of the primary subject provided by the wall mounted thermostat or data jack camera. However, the reverse works as well. The wall-mounted camera can obtain a wide side shot of all participants. While the smoke detector, fitted with a longer focal length lens, can provide the close-up of the primary subject.

Forward your camera selections and field of view measurements to Legaltek and we will calculate the best lens compliment for your application.

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